C hildren's Activities

Open to the Public -- Return with us to Bosworth Field, where the Lancastrians and the Yorkists decided the fate of the Crown of England! While war rages, there is also the arts, crafts, sciences, and activities common to the Middle Ages. From miles around, people come to fight, to trade, and to engage in the activities and festivities. A wonderful time is guaranteed for all!

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Great for newcomers, this event focuses on activities that might have occurred in war, and in peace-time. Townspeople and visitors share the sights, sounds and smells during a typical day. It costs nothing to look, aka, there is no admission fee.

Admission: $0       Feast: $7/person, max feast = 80*

Come and behold the wonders of war and peace in the Middle Ages! Need help with what to wear? We can help!

*As customary for this event, feasts spots may be sponsored for newcomers so they can fully enjoy the day. Sponsors are welcome to pay for one more feast spot than they need to contribute.